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Be Ready

Disaster Preparedness


Are You READY?

Be ready when Disaster Strikes. There are many different kinds of disasters that can affect the Westwood area. Due to our terrain, dry summers and high temperatures, FIRE is a real threat to Northern California.  Is your home as safe as it can be?  Here are some tips to get ready.  Remember, the best defense for surviving a disaster is  being prepared.
Great sources of information can be found at the American Red Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and more:



Emergency Preparedness Guide

During an emergency often,  resources are overextended and additional help may take time to arrive.  It is vitally important for you to be self-sufficient for up to three days.  Remember three important steps to being prepared.

Assemble a Kit

There are several types of kits you can create.  The Red Cross offers great information on survival kits to help you get started.
A Home Kit for Sheltering In Place.  Be self-sufficient for at least three days, including water, blankets, food and a portable radio. Don't forget supplies for your pets any any medications you might need.

An Evacuation Kit if you need to leave in a hurry.  You can't take everything!  Take what's is most important.  Make a list ahead of time and know where you can get to it quickly.

A Vehicle Kit.  Always be prepared on the road.  Even for ordinary travel, these important accessories can be a life-saver for you or someone else.

Be sure to use a Checklist.

Have a Plan

Having a plan helps you do things without spending time under stress trying to remember things.  What do you do first? How do you evacuate?  Where does the family meet?  Who do you contact?  Have a plan,  review it periodically with your family and practice using the plan at least twice per year.

Create a Home Fire Escape Plan.

Develop an Area Evacuation Plan, where do you go if you can't go home?  Where do you meet your family if the roadways are closed?  Figure out a rendezvous place and contingency plans just in case you can't get there. 

Remember, a little planning now can make all the difference in a stressful emergency situation.  

Stay Informed

There are several ways to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest information during an emergency.  The local news are available either via internet or apps on your IPhone.  Here are quick links to: